3 Day round trip from Toowoomba to Old Grafton road and back via Warwick and Tenterfield on the way down, and via Grafton, white swamp road and kilarney on the way back. We had to go around Condamine river road as it was closed due to flooding damage. We were two up for this trip and carrying our camping gear. After Warwick this is pretty much 90%dirt to Old Grafton road. After Old Grafton road it is bitumen to grafton and for a bit after Grafton. Back to dirt until you are near Kilarney and its bitumen to Toowoomba. After Tenterfield there is NO FUEL OR WATER on this path before you hit Grafton so stock up or pop into Glen innes when you get near. Out of Warwick there is some pretty heavy off road for an hour or so, specially after rain. otherwise its just your normal run of the mill adventure stuff! Enjoy
Type: Trail (mainly dirt)
Level: 3 Moderate
Source - transaustraliatrail.com.au